Hello World…!

I am Gaurav Singh, a postgraduate from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Chennai), Madras, India.

I have done a couple of experiments based on my work in Lab and classes on atomization/sprays, flow diagnostics techniques etc. After I got my own basic experimental tools, I did experiments on my own. This blog is about these experiments, basic observations and some answers, if I find any. I do get help in finding these answers from my PhD friends and my Profs.

You are free to use the pictures and information given on my website. However, please give me proper credits. If you need original pictures with better resolution or have suggestions for anything related to content of website, please fill up this contact form below or Email me

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I hope visitors find pictures and explanation interesting. It would be really wonderful if you could provide feedback to my articles, correct inaccuracies in explanation of experiments or provide better explanations.


  • Its Me..

If you would like to contribute your knowledge about topics and experiments related to fluid mechanics, you can submit an article [CLICK: sample] with a picture of your experiment. Email: opticaltrek@gmail.com.

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